
Showing posts from May, 2021


    CAN YOU LOOK AT IN YOUR BLACK MIRROR? Essay by Adam Paloczy   Introduction Wen, we use the word `dystopia` nowadays, average people who socialised in Hollywood movies and video games would think of a zombie apocalypse or an invasion of some friendly alien visitors. But if we do not want to entirely leave the reality, well still we could think at least of a dictatorship when the reward of the system criticism would be a public execution.   Of course, that we associating with something like this because in the last century we had just enough of the world-changer characters, but in our present days we still have examples of autocracies, which creates closed worlds where people are scared even to think of questioning anything or anyone.   “The   Black Mirror `an anthology series exploring a twisted, high-tech multiverse Where humanity's greatest innovations and darkest instincts collide. This show `   taps into our collective unease w...

Unit 8: Head Portrait, and Character Concept Sculpture

  Unit 8: Where in the World? - Part 1 Head Portrait, and Character Concept Sculpture I believe, for a sculptor, the most important thing to learn how to sculpt human heads. Jordu Schell says "If you can sculpt a human head, you can sculpt anything,"  Amelia Rowcroft says, even if you want to make creatures for the film industry, you have to show them some head portraits in your portfolio. One of our teacher Simon Stringer said something similar to us. If he wants to hire a sculptor, the head portrait is the first thing he wants to see in the portfolio. Well, I do believe that the spinal of our course is the projects of Unit 8, moreover the head portrait. Achieving a good likeness in portrait sculpture requires getting the foundations right. This is what I need/ needed to learn. I feel that I am very lucky because I had a chance in my life to learn this, from one of the best sculptors in the world. We had to sculpt a beautiful young woman from photos. I deliberately mentione...